Saturday, June 15, 2019

Day 5- Community

After a pleasant breakfast at the hotel, we took a bus an hour into the valley to a small village, Willoc, where we spent time with the locals. First, in the home of one of the community members associated with our team, we were graciously allowed to wear prepared traditional garments the community had hand woven. After the latter, we watched and participated in a ceremonial dance and enjoyed different activities such as soccer and volleyball.

To honor our previous donations and gifts, the people prepared a special lunch with seasoned chicken, alpaca, and a variety of potatoes. Unlike normal food preparations, the group was shown how to cook food Inca-Style, by burying the food in the dirt surrounded by hot rocks heated by a fire and covered by numerous tarps to hold the heat in. After around an hour of cooking, the group ate the food. According to many group members, the food was very good. 

After lunch, the group took a short walk across the beautiful Andean Mountains towards the village school, where the school supplies were handed off. The group then participated in more activities like soccer and volleyball with some of the students.

                                                            Our welcome to the Willoc community.

                       Our Poly group wearing the traditional clothing they make.

 They showed us how they make the dye for the wool and how they do the weaving for the garments they wear. The process is extremely labor intensive but the final product is beautiful.                                                                     
         Everyone feasted on a delicious meal cooked in an underground oven in the Inca tradition.
       We tried several varieties of potatoes, peruvian corn, alpaca, chicken, vegetables, avocados, fava          beans and pineapple. They even roasted a cuy for us!